A brief summary of the commands needed to install VirtualBox Guest Additions in Kali Linux v1.x. Having the Guest Additions installed is very useful, being able to copy and paste text like bash lines like the below is extremely useful. There is also the extra screen options such as the transparency mode. Being able to copy files in and out of the system into the host is also very useful.
Linux headers need to be updated.
#apt-get update && apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Copy the VBoxLinuxAdditions.run file to the Desktop.
#cp /media/cdrom/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run /root/Desktop/ #cd /root/Desktop/
Make it executable:
#chmod 755 VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
Install it:

Reboot for a final time.
After it has successfully installed you will now be able to go full screen, add in file sharing options, copy and paste and clipboard functionality. Enjoy.