Setting up a quick DHCP server in Linux with dnsmasq

This is just a short post to walk through setting up a quick DHCP server in Linux with dnsmasq. In Kali Linux 2.0  to be precisely. You can read more about dnsmasq here. Why might you want to do this? Well, couple of reasons spring to mind whilst on a pentest, setting up application testing, network boot a laptop that’s under review or setting up a wifi/rougue access point are a few that spring to mind.

First install dnsmasq with:

apt-get install dnsmasq

Then edit the dnsmasq config file with your favourite editor:

nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf

The config that we might use in a couple of different scenarios would look something similar to the below. You can comment lines out that you don’t want with a ‘#’:


Once you have made your changes restart the dnsmasq service with:

service dnsmasq restart

Simple. Hope this quick tip helps.